There’s a common understanding that as we mature in our lifting careers, so do our physiques. If we’ve been doing things correctly, as we accumulate more years of training, we also accumulate more lean body mass and strength PR’s. It’s also not uncommon to see the top bodybuilders of the day be well into their 40’s and 50’s. While all of these things seem to be well known and understood, what’s often not talked about is the other development which takes place as we gain experience, our emotional growth. On this week’s podcast, Andrea Valdez, Jeff Alberts and Eric Helms dive into just this.
The group starts by discussing their first contest prep season and how they’ve changed not only physically, but also mentally since then. They discuss how contest preparation can be approach in drastically different ways, some in a healthy life enhancing manner, and others from an unhealthy, obsessive, all consuming mentality.
The group then goes on to discuss the transitional period from the completion of a successful contest prep, to a healthy productive offseason. This transition is described using the analogy of a “dimmer” switch compared to an “on-off” switch.
What is emotional patience and how does this term relate to a competitive physique athlete? Where is the line for having a healthy relationship with the sport of bodybuilding, to then crossing that line and developing an unhealthy obsessive one? And how sometimes stopping a prep can show more maturity than just pushing through it are all discussed in this weeks episode.
The group finishes with a discussion on different ways an athlete can figure out if they’ve crossed that line and have taken things too far with this sport.
Selected Links from this Episode:
Kori Propst Website
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