We’ve all seen the blogs, vlogs, and podcasts…two “experts” talking about differing viewpoints; both fully vested in his/her beliefs. They debate passionately and fiercely. One brilliantly strategized attack followed by a beautifully planned defense. Soon it becomes similar to watching Floyd Mayweather lean, roll, and dodge punch after punch while backed into a corner then […]
What is Luck and is it Necessary For Success in Competitive Bodybuilding?
Luck. Whether you’re born with it, find it in a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, or find it in a bottle of golden liquid won for brewing the best Draught of Living Death potion in Potions class, we are all aware of its existence. But what exactly is luck? Why does […]
Feel the Need to “Cheat” and Splurge on the Holidays? What Does That Say About the Other Days of the Year?
Here is a recent post of mine followed by a comment that I received… My post: